
CIBP Members Manifesto

At the 30th CIBP Congress in Paris, the CIBP member banks made a commitment by signing a sustainability manifesto structured around 3 axes:

  1. A social cooperative model;
  2. A model at the service of the development of territories and the people who live there, at the heart of the entrepreneurial approach;
  3. A sustainable environmental policy.

Within CIBP, this manifesto will be the subject of joint actions and monitoring of its implementation.

Brazil's Presidency by Marco Aurélio Almada (CEO of Banco Cooperativo SICOOB and President of CIBP)

Welcome Words from Thierry Cahn, President of the Supervisory Board of BPCE SA and President of BP ALC

Closing Speech by Marco Aurélio Almada (CEO of SICOOB, Brazil, and President of CIBP)