We Inspire

A space to raise awareness about the positive impact cooperative and popular banks have on society. Our community has a pioneer spirit that puts us in the edge of an innovative business model and an inclusiveness decision making. That’s what inspires all of our members. Through storytelling videos shared from all members, we aim to bring our associates, future associates and strategic partners closer to what we believe and make.

We Share

A platform to connect cibp member’s executives and experts in order to fire up meaningful discussions on technological innovation, innovation management and innovative projects. Any member can create a SPARK, a 33min online meeting in which cibp team will send the invitation for the right people to join. a SPARK is the best way to exchange ideas, projects and references to uplift our community

We Co-Create

The SPRINT is an opportunity to connect and engage specialists and seniors in an international approach of innovation and technology. This is a collaboration involving members and outside specialists to generate knowledge, tools and frameworks to be used by all the cibp community. Based on a methodology of innovation sprints, relevant material will be published to inspire and serve the real challenges of our community

We Belong

A roadmap to turn our confederation into a community by a shared purpose, rooted on coop values and on an inspiring vision. A community, better than any organization, can catalyze the network effect, growing exponentially all parts by the potential of ideas, projects and businesses shared. This pillar will define global players and relevant networks worth getting close to and collaborating with.