Global Network Program
This program is targeted for CIBP’s members employees of all hierarchical levels and focused on the unique possibility of building a network by practicing your language skills.
The main goals are:
- Establish and maintain an international network among colleagues of a different cooperative bank in a different part of the world
- Learn more about other cultures and financial institutions by practicing your language skills
- Raise your awareness of being part of an international hub of employees of cooperative and popular banks
- Nurture multicultural exchanges
Languages practiced in the program are those of our members: Arabic / English / French / German / Portuguese / Spanish
Key take-aways:
- Practicing and improving language skills
- Exchange with a colleague from another cooperative banking institution in a different country
- Establish a network
- Learn about other cooperative banks with a different cultural background
- Enjoy a global community and talk about current topics
Interested to join?
If you are a member of CIBP and would like to participate in this program, please reach out to us at info@cibp.coop!