17th CIBP LINʞ cycle 2023-2024
CIBP LINʞ is our international training programme for cooperative and popular banks’ executive managers.
The CIBP LINʞ participants come from different member banks with different cultural backgrounds.
Our training cycles are co-designed with our member institutions to:
- Establish and maintain a strong network among executives of the cooperative banking sector
- Enhance future leaders’ management skills and leadership abilities in a diversified and complex environment guided by our cooperative values
- Exchange best practices and develop business cooperation opportunities within the CIBP network
- Cultivate intercultural competences
17th CIBP LINʞ programme cycle takes places in the following countries:
- Module I Strategy: Wednesday 31 May to Sunday 4 June 2023 in Frankfurt, DZ BANK, and in Montabaur, Academy of German Cooperatives, ADG, Germany
- Module II Leadership : Wednesday 29 November to Sunday 3 December 2023 in Buenos Aires, BANCO CREDICOOP, Argentina
- Module III Innovation: Wednesday 21 to Sunday 25 February 2024 in Vienna, ÖGV – Österreichischer Genossenschaftsverband – and Volksbank Wien, Austria
- Module II Leadership: 28 November – 3 December 2023 in Buenos Aires, Banco Credicoop, Argentina
To download the Module’s documents, please click on the shared links below:
- Module Leadership Programme
- Module Leasership Contributors
- Institutional Day presentations at Banco Credicoop
- Module III Innovation: 21-25 February 2024 in Vienna, ÖGV and Volksbank Wien, Austria
To download the Module’s documents, please click on the shared links below:
- Your Souvenirs: Pictures, videos, other
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